Is it possible to cure cervical osteochondrosis at home?

Due to the low mechanical strength of the seven miniature vertebrae and the weakness of the neck muscular corset, the lack of treatment for osteochondrosis in this part leads to serious consequences. Nerve roots, resulting in compression or a hernia, become inflamed and swollen, filling the spinal canal. There is pain - in the neck; Temples or occipital bone, crown; Arm and arm.

Neck pain Osteochondrosis Photo 1

The body goes to a kind of provocation - it begins to form solid "bridges" of bone tissue that support the vertebrae.

Their sharp edges irritate the tiny nerve fibers - the pain reappears, the neck "squeezing" as it moves. It is also possible to compress the vertebral artery in the cervical spine holes, which complicates the blood supply to the brain. Hospitalization is inevitable.

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis, the first symptoms of which appear at the age of 20, and is it possible to treat yourself at home?

How to treat cervical chondrosis at home and at work?

Osteochondrosis of the cervix can be treated at home only by exacerbating the exacerbation.

With the use of folk techniques and "home" procedures - massage, gymnastics, blood circulation in the diseased segment is accelerated, and in the acute phase of their application can exacerbate the course of the disease, increase swelling and inflammation.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine causes fatigue and slight tension in the neck, so they begin to treat it at home by adjusting the "life schedule":

  • Take a 5-hour break from work every hour. After working on paper or computer for more than 3 hours in a row, rest for an hour - do the exercises for the neck below, "stretch" the spine, stretch and "bend" in different directions, walk to the office;
  • Neck pain with osteochondrosis Photo 2
  • The distance from the floor to the roof of the desktop is at least 70 cm, the chair is up and down, with the back and arms;
  • If you are sitting in a chair with your feet unable to reach the floor, use a stand for them.

And one more thing: many have noticed that the next "home" scandal ends with a headache.

Excessive nervous tension "compresses" the muscles and the disc remains satisfied with the nutrients supplied by the spasmodic muscles.

How to cure cervical osteochondrosis at home?

The diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis is known; What are the properties of further treatment at home?

Further efforts to prevent degeneration of the intervertebral discs are aimed at increasing physical activity, improving blood supply to the spine and its cervical region. It is used for massage and gymnastics.


Massage for cervical osteochondrosis, which is carried out at home, stimulates the alternate inflow and outflow of blood from the cervical spine, strengthens the muscles, eliminates excess lactic acid in them and relieves muscle spasticity. The duration of the massage is 15 minutes for the first sessions and about half an hour later.

Massage for cervical osteochondrosis

A massage session begins that moves from the shoulder blades to the back of the head and the back of the neck. Working with one or both palms, the therapist gradually increases the pressure on the skin. In addition, along similar lines, he "catches" the muscles on the edge of the palm, then vigorously rubs the cervical vertebrae with the fingertips, the teeth on the neck muscles, replacing them with the index fingers on the other fingers. At the end of the session, the neck is cut with the wrists.

The duration of each type of movement is 2-5 minutes.

It is important to master the technique of massage - the sequence of cervical osteochondrosis is as follows:

  • Pressing the sides of the neck with the hand, perform alternating circular and longitudinal strokes, moving from the lower back to the joint of the shoulder blades;
  • To move forward in the same way, rub the skin of the neck;
  • After rubbing the skin well, continue to burn the muscles. Movement up and down, bending four fingers, use their pads near the spine with deep, circular movements of the neck muscles. To prevent compression of the arteries, do not apply excessive force to the anterior and lateral muscles of the neck;
  • After stretching the muscles, continue the self-massage with clapping movements;
  • Fill it with light hitting movements.

Often, cervical osteochondrosis occurs due to insufficient peripheral circulation and swollen lymph, therefore self-massage is preferred with the help of vacuum cups.

Vacuum therapy stimulates blood flow and lymphatic drainage by dilating local blood "networks", increases muscle contractile function, and normalizes blood pressure, thus rapidly relieving cervical osteochondrosis, which increases the effectiveness of treatment at home.

In gymnastics

At home for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis special gymnastics is prescribed after pain relief. Cervical osteochondrosis exercises are selected individually; Performing them at home when the pain returns is worth contacting your doctor or exercise therapy instructor.

The following exercises are safe for treating cervical osteochondrosis at home:

  1. Sitting on a chair, back and neck straight:
    • Reach the extreme position, smoothly turn your head left and right;
    • Gently lower your head, try to touch your chest with your chin;
    • Without rubbing your neck and pulling your chin, pull your head back;
    • Take a closer look at the cheerful movements of the little puppy: he holds it directly to the neck, he "writes" small circles with his nose. Practice with him.

    These exercises, designed to treat cervical osteochondrosis at home, "mobilize" the cervical vertebrae, stretch the muscles of the posterior cervical group, and restore flexibility in the neck.

    Each exercise is performed 12 times.

  2. Sitting at the table, back straight:
    • Lean on the table with the left hand elbow, palm facing the temple. Bend your head to the left, withstand the rebound with your hand. relax. Do it 8-10 times. Perform the movements to the right in the same way;
    • Place the palm on the forehead, press on it for 10 minutes; The hand "resists" pressure. Perform 10 times. Do the same exercise with the other palm;
    • Lower your arms across your body, bring your shoulders up, and stand in this position for 10-12 seconds. Relax and take 10-12 breaths.

    Such gymnastics is essential for cervical osteochondrosis to strengthen the lateral and anterior neck muscles at home and relax them.

  3. Headaches when sitting or lying on the floor:
    • Intensively massage the neck muscles with the tips of your fingers in the back of your head for 3-4 minutes;
    • Rub the area of the shoulder blades with your hands and the place between them - 5-6 minutes;
    • Massage the temporal area with light circular motions.

Exercising for cervical osteochondrosis strengthens the paravertebral muscles, increases their plasticity, and maintains the health of the entire "pillar of life" at home.

Folk remedies for cervical osteochondrosis

Grandma's secret

Do you remember how my grandmother treated cervical osteochondrosis with folk remedies? With a rolling pin! Do not worry, the method is not at all traumatic: simply place the "sports equipment" under your back and move it from top to bottom (in the absence of a hernia and bulge! ), Then simply tap the shoulders, shoulder blades and area with a pin moving along the spine.

Osteochondrosis of the cervix is quickly reversed because such treatment at home and in fact - in a kind of gymnastics - instantly relaxes tense muscles, which helps to supply blood to the cervix and other parts of the spine.

Rolling pin for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

ᲛScene medicine

A disease that affects the cervical spine, the disease "impedes" its mobility. The treatment of the following folk remedies will help relieve acute osteochondrosis:

  • Cervical osteochondrosis responds well to celery treatment. As reviews confirm, alternative treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is effective because of its analgesic and deconcentrating effect on its root. Pour 3 grams of chopped root in a liter of boiled water, insist 8 hours. Take a dessert spoon of the finished, filtered product 3 times before meals;
  • Cut the stem and flowers of the stepmother and insist on ammonia for 30 days in a dark room. With a straining agent, lubricate the sore spot on the neck.

Home physiotherapy

It is hard to imagine an alternative treatment for cervical osteochondrosis without any kind of warming of the diseased segment. How to cure cervical osteochondrosis at home?

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis with such generally available folk remedies as mud and paraffin is very effective.

Therapeutic mud for cervical osteochondrosis

Mud applications "saturate" the cervical spine with all the necessary minerals, while paraffins help to prolong the warming effect:

  • If cervical osteochondrosis is declared as a minor neuralgia, treatment at home can be carried out using mud applications. The most affordable peat mud for home procedures. Its applications are applied to the back of the neck and arms.

    When applied to the cervical and cervical area, the mud is heated to 27-28 degrees, on the hands -48-50 degrees.

    This temperature regime provides the greatest analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Mud sessions are held every other day, only 10 procedures, the duration of each of them - no more than a quarter of an hour;

  • Paraffin is applied by pressing on the back of the cervical spine and shoulder region. The course of treatment is similar to the previous one - 10 sessions every other day, each lasting 15 minutes.

Home physiotherapy is completed with massage and therapeutic exercises for the neck. Do not relieve painful sensations and take care of your health!